(myminigolf logo)

myminigolf is the first mini golf course that you can take anywhere. The high-quality ABS plastic obstacles in almost original size are shatterproof, UV-resistant and are manufactured in Germany to the highest quality. They can be combined with each other.
Simply lay them on the floor and you're ready to go. You can set up more than 55 different courses with the obstacles.
Therefor click our video under Combinations. As a crossover between golf and mini golf, the game is played without fixed courses.
But there is also the Birdie course as an addition to the sets.
Awarded with "Movement and Innovation", the "Spiel gut" sign and winner of the "Golf Europe Product Award 2008"

Our standard mini-golf sets are containing of 13 high-quality plastic parts made in germany, clubs, balls and scoring-pads.
The sets are coming in a sturdy box surrounded by a black nylon carrying case

Indoors on stone and carpet floors...

on wood or parket floors...

outdoors at tarmac and concrete...

on the green grass..

at the golf course...

and even on ice

warm-up, Ø 340mm
To warm up, start with a simple end-hole, of which there are 4 per set.
In addition the warm-up is used as end hole for Bridge, 360 und Daytona.

wave, 640 x 250 x 130mm
The hole at the highest point of the Wave needs to be played accurately.
Otherwise, you have to re-try from the other side.

towers, 450 x 80mm
The Towers consists of four ramparts making the putting quite difficult.
You must play the ball between them to reach the target-hole.

maze, 410 x 360 x 130mm
At the maze, only the central ramp will get you to the hole.
Otherwise the ball will come back to you and you will need to re-try

bridge, 670 x 150 x 190mm
You must get across the bridge before you can attempt the end-hole

360, 400 x 330 x 410mm
Exactly the right amount of swing is needed for the Loop, in order for the ball to travel all the way round, lining you-up for the end-hole.

acapulco, 420 x 350 x 110mm
The spiral winds slowly upwards and need just the right amount of power to get the ball into the hole at the top.

daytona, 650 x 300 x 110mm
Two steep curves can be placed in succession. This obstacle needs a more forceful swing. Once achieved, the ball can be putted into the separate finish-hole.

volcano, 550 X 80mm
The steep sides of the Volcano have to be played with vigour in-order to get the ball into the crater.